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Instytucją pośredniczącą w Portugalii był Associação de Mobilidade Intercultural Euromob
Termin 05.02.2018 do 16.02.2018 - technik spedytor
Portugalia - prezentacja - podsumowanie - I mobilność
Instytucje przyjmujące, w których uczniowie odbyli staże zawodowe:
- Chuvitex - Barcelos, Portugalia - pracodawca
- Casa Alves –Avenida de Palmeira, Portugalia - pracodawca
- Tattoon - Esposende, Portugalia - pracodawca
- Supermercado Jaju - Esposende, Portugalia - pracodawca
- Sussurros do Mar Lda. - Esposende, Portugalia - pracodawca
W ramach programu kulturowego w dniach wolnych od pracy zorganizowano wycieczki kulturowe do Porto, Viana do Castelo, Esposende.
Opiekunowie mobilności: p. Maria Niedopytalska, p. Iwona Myszka
Instytucja pośrednicząca: EuroMind Hiszpania
Organizacja przyjmująca: Colegio Salesianos San Pedro
Tutor: Miguel Campos Rivera
Termin 03.09.2018 do 14.09.2019 r. - technik informatyk
Program praktyk: Programowanie aplikacji mobilych
Film - podsumowanieII mobilności |
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Opiekunowie grupy: p. Grażyna Franczyk, p. Marzena Cukierska i koordynator z euroMind Jakub Kubicki
Organizacja pośrednicząca - EuroMind Hiszpania
Organizacja przyjmująca - Salesianos Trinidad
Tutor: Francisco Manuel Garcia
Programowanie frezarek CNC z wykorzystaniem programu Catia v.5
Termin: 08.10.2018 do 19.10.2018 r. - technik mechanik, technik mechatronik
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A stay in Spain was really wonderful and full of an impression. Sevilla is a beautiful place with an exceptional landscape. I really like to the openness of people to others nationalities, they are very tolerant and kind of others people. We spent the nights in a nice hotel where every day we could taste delicious food. In Sevilla, we visited many lovely and interesting places. We also visited others cities of Spain among others a Malaga which delights not only architecture but also the sea and its a coast. We visited a lot of museums which brings us closer to the history of this country. The professional approach of our Tutor Frank made that we have gotten new skills and knowledge in our profession. Thanks to this trip I gained new experiences, I got to know the Spain culture and I met a new, fantastic people. I spent a great time here and I would like to repeat this.
Kacper - technik mechatronik
The stay in Spain was really wonderful and full of impressions. In the hostel, we could taste delicious food every day. We also visited others cities of Spain among others a Malaga. I learned new things in the Catia program. I spent a great time here and I would like to repeat this experience.
Paweł - technik mechatronik
Spain is one of the most beautiful and the most diverse countries in the world. In the city of Seville real life begins at night. I got to know a new culture. Foreign internships met my expectations.
Albert - technik mechanik
Spain is a picturesque place. We spent the nights in a nice hotel where every day we could taste delicious food. At night, there is a great climate. Spain is the most beautiful country I have ever visited. The professional approach of our Tutor Frank made that we have gotten new skills and knowledge in our profession. I spent a great time here and I would like to repeat this. I consider the whole trip was very successful.
Study Visit - Moldes & Matrices Mesán : Moldes Mesán is a company dedicated to the manufacture and repair of specific tools. They are mainly involved in the creation of moulds and dyes. They possess advanced machinery for different types of projects: CNC machining centres, EDM wire and penetration machines, CNC milling machines, as well as a full fleet of machinery of different applications: milling machines, bending machines, shears, presses, etc. The visit is intended to make students understand the functioning and structure of a company highly developed in technology dedicated to the manufacture of moulds and dyes. They will also gain more insight into the functioning of CNC machinery.
Opiekunowie mobilności: p. Aneta Troszczak, p. G. Kmiotek
Instytycja pośrednicząca w Irlandii Your International Training.
Termin 20.05.2019 - 31.05.2019 - Mallow Irlandia
Instytucje przyjmujące - firmy, w których uczniowie odbyli praktyki: PC Comp Mallow, IT Outlet Cork, BossCarParts Cork, Tesco Cork, Fitway Food Limited Cork.
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Opiekunowie mobilności: p. Hanna Zapała, p. Iwona Myszka
Instytucją pośredniczącą w Hiszpanii była firma EuroMind.
SAFA Nuestra Senora de los Reyes; tutor: Francisco Javier Hoyo de la Torre
Termin 03.06.2019 - 14.06.2019
Fotowoltaika - elektryka i odnawialne źródła energii - inteligentny dom
Wizyta w elektrowni słonecznej w Abengoa
Opiekunowie mobilności: p. Grażyna Kmiotek, p. Marta Zacharska
Uczestniczka (3smt): Podczas praktyk w firmie Sussuros da Mar nabyłam wiele umiejętności odnoszących się do mojego zawodu. Już pierwszego dnia praktyk zostaliśmy zaznajomieni ze wszystkimi sprawami organizacyjnymi. Atmosfera w zakładzie pracy była znakomita. Dostaliśmy potrzebne asortymenty do wykonywania pracy. Wszelkie problemy oraz wątpliwości były szybko rozwiązywane przez pracowników. Wszyscy dogadywaliśmy się wspaniale. Praktyka, którą odbyłam, była niesamowitym przeżyciem. Polecam wszystkim, by korzystali z tego rodzaju przedsięwzięć.
Uczestnik (4smt): W roku szkolnym 2017/19 odbyłem dwutygodniowe praktyki w firmie Chuvitex w Portugalii. Jest to firma zajmująca się składowaniem oraz wysyłaniem towarów. Głównym celem naszych praktyk było zapoznanie się z pracą magazynową oraz z kompletowaniem paletowych jednostek ładunkowych. Podczas pierwszego spotkania z przedstawicielami firmy zostaliśmy zapoznani z zasadami bhp. Warto zauważyć, że taki wyjazd to nie tylko praca i nauka, a również poznanie kultury kraju oraz jego uroków. Wyjazd był wspaniałą przygodą, która nie tylko dużo mnie nauczyła, ale także dostarczyła wielu wspaniałych wrażeń.
My name is Konrad. I am from Poland and I am 18 years old. I have practice in Safa. I am very happy about the practice. In free time we have bought the souvenirs and we visited a lot of museums. I liked the trip to Granada.
I am a third-grade technical school student. I go to the Zespół Szkół Zawodowych nr. 2 w Starachowicach. I am studying the profile of an electrician technician. My practices are taking place in Spain at Colegio SAFA Ntra. Sra. de los Reyes. On practices, we learn about renewable energy sources. We assemble various electrical installations and learn theories. A lot of time spent on the roof on which we built two houses. Next to the houses, there are photovoltaic panels arranged on racks. The whole is connected to the electrical installation located inside the house. In our spare time, we go to museums and visit the city. We also try to try local food. The practice is considered successful. Mateusz
My name is Krzysiek. I am from Poland and I am 18 years old. I am study in technical number 2 in Starachowice. My practices are taking place in Spain at Colegio SAFA Ntra. Stan. de los Reyes. We visited many museums, cathedral, and many monuments. On practices, we learn about renewable energy sources. We assemble various electrical installations and learn theories. A lot of time we spent on the roof on which we built two wooden houses. In free time we explored beautiful places in Sevilla and we bought souvenirs. This trip is amazing.
My name is Łukasz. I learn to work as an electrician in ZSZ nr2 in Starachowice. We did our internships at SAFA Nuestra Señora de los Reyes. Manuel is our instructor. During the practice, we built electrical installations and we took measurements. We also built a wooden house in which we made an electrical installation. Next to the house, we have set up photovoltaic panels which we connected to the electrical installation in the house. We also installed a water pump, boiler, and a tap. We learned how to use the Autocad program and we also got to know a page with sizes describing solar panels. In our free time, we sightseeing Seville. We visited the Cathedral, the Alcazar, the Giralda, Plaza de Espana, and the Seville Stadium. We also visited Granada and Malaga. In my opinion, the practice was very successful. I learned a lot and visited a lot of beautiful places.
My name is Kacper. I am from Poland and I am 19 years old. I have practice in Safa. I am very happy about the practice. In free time we have bought the souvenirs and we visited a lot of museums.
I am a student of technical school number 2 in Starachowice. I study electrics. I had practices at ,,SAFA" ,,Colegio SAFA Ntra , Sra , de los Reyes". During our free time, we visited the Spanish square and the local stadium in Sevilla. I am very happy with the internship.
Hi, my name is Maciek. I am 17 years old. I learn to work as an automation in ZSZ nr2 in Starachowice. We did our internships at SAFA Nuestra Señora de los Reyes. Manuel is our instructor. In terms of practices, we have built electrical insulations and wooden houses in which we have installed the electrical installation. Next to the wooden house we set solar panels and also installed a water boiler and a tap. We also used AutoCAD. In our free time, we visited Seville. we were visiting various monuments e.g: Plaza de Espana, the Cathedral and the Alcazar. We were also on a trip in Granada and Malaga. In my opinion, the practice was fantastic, I learned new things and visited wonderful places.
Hello, my name is Michał. I am 18 years old. I am learning in the profession of automatics so photovoltaic is completely new for me. I have had the chance to arrive to Spain to learn something about renewable energy for 2 weeks practice. I was learning in SAFA school. It was hard to understand everything but the teacher explained theory very simply and he was helping me every time when I did not understand. I was having much free time so I could go to the museum or to buy souvenirs. I am really happy about this internship abroad.
Practice in Spain was an adventure that I will never forget. I will miss the local culture and people, if I could I would stay here as long as possible. Despite the amazing atmosphere in each of the places I visited, I enjoyed a lot android programming. The teacher was demanding and willing to help what encouraged me to work hard. During the tours with our coordinator I learned a lot of interesting and surprising historical facts and after each day I could fully rest in our residence. I hope I will come back here one day.
Grzegorz - technik informatyk
The internship was great. Im glad I could meet such great people and visited the beautiful country. Miguel was the best teacher; he can intrigue the biggest lazybones. I learned a lot of for him for which I am grateful. He is an open person and very helpful. Inma delighted us every day delicious dishes. We can’t forget about Kuba! He tried very hard to take our time in an interesting and useful way, he always came to our taste. We could always count on him, one message was enough to find him, he always had time for everyone.
Ola - technik informatyk