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About our school

welcomeWelcome to the official website of the Complex of Secondary Vocational Schools No 2 in Starachowice!

     The Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski’s Technical School in the Complex of Secondary Vocational Schools No 2 in Starachowice is a school with a rich tradition being one of the longest existing vocational schools in our region.

In its 90-year history, over 20 thousand students graduated the school and most of them became valuable professionals on the labour market.


Our mission

The school in its educational and didactic activities aims at:

  •           providing conditions for the students’ intellectual, psychical and physical development,
  •        equipping the students with knowledge and vocational skills allowing to pass both Matura exam and vocational exams,
  •           fostering responsibility, patriotism and respect for Polish national heritage,
  •           developing the students’ awareness of their career opportunities in the contemporary world,
  •         training our students to become highly desirable professionals to all sectors of industry whether they choose employment, self- employment or higher education.

Our offer

Since training is crucial in vocational education, every year some of our students participate in vocational apprenticeships in the local companies as well as abroad, mostly in Great Britain and Germany. Our students have also taken part in European projects such as Erasmus+, Socrates- Comenius and Leonardo da Vinci and in several students exchange programmes. Moreover, they are offered a wide variety of attractive additional courses, clubs, workshops and extra-curricular activities so that they not only acquire knowledge, but also develop their personal interests and obtain additional experience, skills and certificates which may prove to be useful in their future life and career.

Our school possesses an excellent range of educational materials and facilities. They include six modern computer classrooms, an innovative laboratory of renewable sources of energy, a classroom with numerically controlled machines (CNC), a new multimedia classroom for English language teaching and a computerized library with multimedia centre. Some classrooms are fitted with interactive whiteboards, which provide an interesting and professional way of teaching. We have recently introduced an electronic school register and free access to the Internet (Wi-Fi) on the premises of our school. The school also enables students to develop their physical abilities in the facilities such as two recently renovated gymnasiums, a sports field and a fitness room.


Professions taught in our school:

  •           car mechanic technician
  •           mechanical industry technician
  •           electrical industry technician
  •           construction industry technician
  •           mechatronics technician
  •           renewable energy systems technician
  •           computer science industry technician
  •           logistics technician
  •           freight forwarding technician
  •           tourism – related enterprise technician
  •           technician of advertising
  •           environmental protection technician.


Should you have any questions, call or write to us:

Zespol Szkol Zawodowych Nr 2  (the Complex of Secondary Vocational Schools No 2 in Starachowice),

Address:  4, 1 – go Maja Street,

Postcode: 27-200, town: Starachowice, Poland

Telephone: 41 2746240

Fax number: 41 2746048

E-mail : Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript. 


© 2025 Zespół Szkół Zawodowych Nr 2 w Starachowicach - Webmaster: Dariusz Leszczyszyn.

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